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HappyPause Menopause Balm

Your menopause journey is your own.  But don’t face it alone. 

Menopause was a stigmatised hush-hush conversation in generations past, but not so today.

Whether your menopause is mild or severe, there are so many options out there.

This is our era of joy & our time to sing.  We each deserve to find the solutions that work for us.

My biggest barrier?  Vaginal dryness.  Now that HappyPause Menopausal Balm has alleviated that for me, everything else is manageable.  Yes, I still have Menopausal Meltdown days.  Yes, brain fog bites.  Yes, those restless 3am wake-ups still occasionally find their way into my bed.  But at my core, I’ve got this.

You’ll find your solutions, too.

I created HappyPause Menopausal Balm out of desperation for a plant-based preservative free sensitive skin solution.  I had to get my happy back, which HappyPause helped me do!

My only regret is that we created it too late.  I wish we had had our ‘aha’ moment when my Mum and my Aunt Pat were still alive.  Even in post-menopause right up into their eighties they both struggled with ‘vaginitis’ (the 1970s phrase for vaginal atrophication, the thinning of our vaginal tissue as our estrogen levels deplete).  I know HappyPause would have brought them both comfort.

I dedicate this first batch of HappyPause Menopausal Balm to the many strong inspirational women who came before us and silently struggled with menopause, but most especially I dedicate it to my inspirational Mum who interlocked her fingers to lift up and encourage so many women from the generation below her and to my Aunt Pat who after losing everything would buy two boxes of tampons and donate one to a shelter and continued to donate pads and tampons to others long after she entered menopause. 

Watch this space for future musings & contemplations like:

  • HappyPause’s love affair with DME coconut oil, the crème de la crème of the coconut world
  • The Period Project
  • Self-Care can rock your world and the world of those around you
  • Vaginal Atrophy– it’s a real thing!
  • No Shame.  Ever.
  • Love Your Vag

Happy Vibes,

Sandy, HappyPause Founder

embracing menopause and positive ageing
My empowering glass ceiling breaker warrior Mum, Leona
menopause and beyond with a smile
My indomitable Aunt Pat…

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